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As successful business owners, you’ve dedicated your careers to solving problems, helping people, building wealth and creating a lasting legacy. But have you thought about safeguarding those hard-earned assets and passing them on in a way that reflects your values and aspirations? Legacy Lock, spearheaded by Court Pitcher, introduces a holistic and tailored approach to legacy planning that transcends traditional estate strategies. Today we delve into the distinctive features and advantages of Legacy Lock software, illustrating how it empowers you to leave a generational impact.

Building Financial Certainty and Legacy:
Legacy Lock stands out as more than a conventional estate planning service. It transcends the boundaries of legal documentation, focusing on the broader goal of establishing financial certainty and leaving an enduring legacy. Court Pitcher, a co-founding partner of Legacy Lock, is committed to aiding individuals and families in preparing for the future while positively influencing the world. Partnering with lawyers to make Legacy Lock available and compliant in all 50 states, Court has crafted a solution that seamlessly integrates technology, planning, and simplicity into a high-value offering.

Choosing the Right Planning Solution:
In the landscape of estate planning options, Legacy Lock emerges as a unique blend of affordability, simplicity, and expert guidance. In comparison to traditional attorney-led planning, Legacy Lock provides equally comprehensive documents at a lower upfront cost, coupled with unlimited changes and updates for a nominal annual fee. Moreover, Legacy Lock’s ongoing support and commitment to legacy-building set it apart from self-serve online tools.

The Legacy Lock Process:
Legacy Lock offers a streamlined and personalized process, guiding clients through every step of the planning journey. Here’s a breakdown of the key stages:

Information Gathering: Clients provide essential details using Legacy Lock’s user-friendly online platform.
Legacy Planning Interview: A dedicated Legacy